Fundraising FAQs


How do I register to fundraise?

There are 3 different ways to fundraise:

  1. Commit to Fundraise & Race for FREE!
    Support one of our Partner Charities, commit to raising their minimum target and receive a complimentary race code to register for any Spartan race once you hit it.
  2. Register & Fundraise
    Sign up and pay for a Spartan race and choose to fundraise during registration. Register Now!
  3. Fundraise Now
    If you’ve already registered and would like to support a charity, you can start fundraising here. Fundraise Now!

How do I fundraise?

When you sign up to fundraise, you’ll receive emails that will guide you through the process, provide you with regular tips and give you templated messages that you can share.

The main ways to fundraise are:

  • Be loud and proud: share your story with everyone on social media and through emails. Let everyone know why yoursquo;re supporting your charity of choice and what they mean to you.
  • Ask your workplace to get involved by donating and helping to promote your page.
  • Keep your networks updated on your progress, publicly thank those who have donated to you and keep everyone updated with your training.
  • Set yourself an additional challenge. As if doing a Spartan Race isn’t enough, set yourself an extra challenge which you젯nly do if you hit a certain fundraising milestone. This could be: shaving your head, dying your hair or doing any kind of dare.

Will people donating receiving a tax deductible receipt?

Yes. Donors will automatically receive a receipt once they have made a donation to your page.

Who can I talk to if I need extra support managing my fundraising page?

The GoFundraise Support team are here to help you. Contact support@gofundraise.com


Who is GoFundraise?

GoFundraise is Spartan௦ficial online fundraising platform partner powering this program. They power many leading charities, events and corporates with their digital fundraising technology and have been doing so since 2007.

Do I have to use GoFundraise for our fundraising?

Yes, it is a condition of the program that you sign up to GoFundraise (for free) and enable the fundraising through the platform.

How much is my organization charged to be on GoFundraise?

Registration is FREE with GoFundraise.

How does my organisation sign up to be on GoFundraise?

You can sign up here: all charities on the platform are available to be fundraised for as part of Spartan Race.